Accessibility and Inclusion Microcredential
This microcredential will build awareness of the need to consider all learners – including students with disabilities – in the Computer Science (CS) education space and provide an introduction to best practices for creating a more inclusive and accessible CS classroom. This course will introduce some important teaching concepts, namely Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and High Leverage Practices (HLPs). The combination of the UDL framework and HLPs in lesson design and delivery provides opportunities and access for all learners, not just those with disabilities. Additionally, you will learn how to evaluate the accessibility of materials and technologies in your classroom to provide equal access to all learners. This course will allow you to reflect on your own practice in terms of making learning accessible to all, by exploring the mindset of design for the average learner. We believe that all students should have access to CS and Computational Thinking (CT), and these frameworks and practices are the place to start to provide meaningful experiences for all learners.