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Our Mission

The CS Everyone Center for Computer Science Education is an interdisciplinary center founded upon the belief that all K-12 students deserve access to Computer Science (CS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) education. CS Everyone focuses on four broad areas:
  1. Teacher Preparation: Expanding CS and AI Teacher preparation both within the UF College of Education and across the nation
  2. Engaging All Learners: Increasing CS and AI opportunities for K-12 learners with disabilities
  3. Research & Innovation: Developing technological innovations and advancing understanding of research-based practices that promote opportunities for all learners in K-12 CS/AI education.
  4. Capacity Building: Bringing school districts, non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, professional organizations, and technology companies together to build CS and AI education capacity.

Expanding CS and AI teacher preparation both within the UF College of Education and across the nation

Our leading model offers multiple on-ramps to elevate teachers’ capabilities in CS and AI education, including:
  • CS and AI integration into existing teacher preparation coursework
  • CS and AI education microcredentials with badges in the following areas: CS Education Instruction, AI in K-12, and Accessibility and Inclusion in K-12 CS Education
  • UFTeach CS Education undergraduate minor
  • Graduate-level programs including a 12-credit hour CS education online certificate, and master’s and doctoral degrees
CS Everyone staff member Carla Strickland makes an L shape with her hand as she and 2 college-aged women look at a laptop screen on the table in front of them.
A CS Everyone staff member kneels down by a table to look on as 4 students around a table work on activities on worksheets.

Increasing CS and AI opportunities for K-12 learners with disabilities

Through projects such as UDL4CS and CS Inclusion, we have developed and implemented programs to support individual schools, districts, and non-profit organizations in meaningfully including learners with disabilities in CS and AI education through professional development, professional learning communities, and advocacy for systems change.

Developing technological innovations and advancing understanding of research-based practices that promote opportunities for all learners in K-12 CS/AI education

We engage in innovative research and development focused on CS and AI instructional approaches that support increased teacher effectiveness and student learning through interdisciplinary efforts with researchers, technology companies, and K-12 school partners.
An open blue tub filled with Spheros.
1 teacher in the foreground speaks as another teacher looks forward and 3 others in the background look toward the speaking teacher.

Building connections among CS education professionals

We work closely with partners including school districts, non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, professional organizations, and technology companies to build CS and AI education capacity. Efforts across Florida and beyond include: state summits, quarterly meetings, teacher professional development, and policy support.