K-12 CS FTCE Teacher Certification Exam Preparation
CS Everyone has developed a practice assessment platform to help teachers studying for the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) Computer Science K-12 certification examination. Three practice assessments (pre, mid, and post) were carefully crafted by a qualified group of certified Florida teachers using rigorous development procedures led by researchers at the University of Florida.

About the platform
- Each competency includes a unique set of multiple-choice items aligned with the actual weights on the certification examination.
- Each practice assessment contains 100 unique items across the seven competencies.
We suggest teachers take the pre-test first to gauge where they stand in their professional learning toward passing the FTCE examination.
Data Collection
In order to improve these assessment items, we would like to collect data on users’ performance on the assessment items. Once you log into the portal, you will be asked to create an account that requires a username, first and last names, and a password. You’ll also be asked if you consent to allowing us to look at your performance on these items for research purposes. This data will assist us in reviewing and revising the practice assessments. If you agree to participate, all your data will be kept confidential, and the data will be de-identified prior to conducting any data analyses.
Create your account and start the practice assessments!