Capacity Building
We work closely with our partners including school districts, non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, professional organizations, and technology companies to build computer science (CS) and artificial intelligence (AI) education capacity. Efforts across Florida and beyond include: state summits, quarterly meetings, teacher professional development, and policy support.

Statewide Efforts
Advancing K-16 CS education in a state is a complex and collaborative endeavor. CS education state summits are an important part of this process and can help to develop and advance a state’s strategy for expanding CS education access. In particular, summits can balance and broaden change by giving voice to all stakeholders in a collaborative and action oriented environment.

CS Ed Week
Computer Science Education Week is an annual celebration of computer science that raises awareness about the importance of CS education for all students and emphasizes the impact of CS in today’s society. The CS Everyone team organizes CSEdWeek events at the University of Florida’s College of Education and the university’s affiliated developmental research school, P.K. Yonge.