Engaging All Learners
Welcome to the homepage for Engaging All Learners in CS and AI Education!
Because computer science (CS) and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to transform the world in which we live, all students must learn how to navigate a technology-mediated world — all students deserve access to meaningful participation in CS and AI education. However, many learners with disabilities are being left out of these critical experiences because of a lack of accessible tools, teachers’ limited understanding of how to meet their needs, and a lack of opportunity.
At CS Everyone, our mission has been to craft professional development that focuses on providing both general and special education teachers with the necessary pedagogical skills to ensure that all their learners can meaningfully participate in CS, AI, and robotics education.
Through professional development, professional learning communities, and advocacy for systems change, we are working together to achieve our mission.
Our offerings
Professional Development
Our professional development provides both general and special education teachers with either face-to-face or online professional learning opportunities in approaches to meaningfully include K-12 learners with disabilities in CS and AI education.

Universal Design for Learning in Computer Science (UDL4CS) Research Practice Partnership
UDL4CS is a Research-Practice Partnership between the University of Florida, the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), Chicago Public Schools, and Broward County Public Schools. We have organized as a Networked Improvement Community to meaningfully include students with disabilities in computer science education.
Infosys Pathfinders Professional Development
We have been proud to partner with the Infosys Foundation, and be a part of the Pathfinders Summer Institute. CS Everyone has led professional development for public school educators interested in learning about inclusion of learners with disabilities in CS education. Over the time we have been a part of the program we have helped approximately 100 K-12 educators make meaningful changes for their learners.

School District Family Showcases
One of our favorite ways of partnering with school districts is through collaborating on planning and participating in district wide-celebrations of CS Inclusion classroom activities! These events showcase activities that teachers planned throughout the year. They allow students to show their families what they have learned throughout the year and see what activities other teachers and students engaged in!