Professional Development
Our professional development provides both general and special education teachers with either face-to-face or online professional learning opportunities in approaches to meaningfully include K-12 learners with disabilities in CS and AI education.
Our Approach: Three Levels of Support
- Face-to-face and online synchronous professional development led by UDL4CS experts
- Online asynchronous microcredentials with badges
- Sustained online and face-to-face professional learning communities
- Co-design of professional learning aligned to district and state priorities

Direct Capacity Building
Face-to-face and online synchronous professional development led by experts aligned to district and state priorities
District Capacity Building
Train-the-trainer workshops for national and district team
Individual Teacher Capacity Building
Online asynchronous microcredentials with badges
Our Content
Our professional development is built on our goal of equipping teachers with the skills necessary to ensure that all students have access to high quality CS and AI education. We approach this goal by focusing on four interrelated areas.
- Beliefs and Mindsets
- Universal Design for Learning
- High Leverage Practices
- Technology and Resource Accessibility

What Teachers Are Saying
Development supported by the National Science Foundation and Google’s Education for Social Impact Program.