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Professional Development

Our professional development provides both general and special education teachers with either face-to-face or online professional learning opportunities in approaches to meaningfully include K-12 learners with disabilities in CS and AI education.

Our Approach: Three Levels of Support

  • Face-to-face and online synchronous professional development led by UDL4CS experts
  • Online asynchronous microcredentials with badges
  • Sustained online and face-to-face professional learning communities
  • Co-design of professional learning aligned to district and state priorities
Multi-Tiered CS Inclusion. A pyramid with 3 segments: a small top, medium middle, and large base. The small top segment contains 2 adults working with a Dash robot with the label Whole Districts. Next to that segment is the text Tier 1 Direct Capacity Building with 2 bullet points: Direct, job embedded professional Development and District Collaborators: Broward, Chicago. The medium middle segment contains a scene showing the adult from Tier 1 showing the Dash robot to another adult, then an arrow directs the scene to the second adult and a youth focused on a different vehicle on a table while holding sheets of paper. The scene is labeled Teams & PD Providers Nationwide. Next to that segment is the text Tier 2 Train the Trainer with 2 bullet points: District Teams (general & special ed teacher leaders, CS coaches, etc) and CSTA Partnerships. The large base segment contains 4 adults, one reclined in a seat watching a laptop on a table, the second typing at a laptop on a table, the third sitting cross-legged on the floor typing on a laptop, and the fourth writing with a pen at a table with a lamp shining down on the writing surface. The scene is labeled Individual Teachers Across the Country. Next to that segment is the text Tier 3 Individual Teacher Capacity Building with 3 bullet points: Independent Study, Microcredentials, and Online free resource.

Direct Capacity Building

Face-to-face and online synchronous professional development led by experts aligned to district and state priorities

District Capacity Building

Train-the-trainer workshops for national and district team

Individual Teacher Capacity Building

Online asynchronous microcredentials with badges

Our Content

Our professional development is built on our goal of equipping teachers with the skills necessary to ensure that all students have access to high quality CS and AI education. We approach this goal by focusing on four interrelated areas.

  1. Beliefs and Mindsets
  2. Universal Design for Learning
  3. High Leverage Practices
  4. Technology and Resource Accessibility
CS Inclusion is surrounded by 4 areas: Universal Design for Learning, High Leverage Practices, Inclusive Mindsets, and Accessibility

What Teachers Are Saying 

Loved learning from our colleagues – best resources ever!

Learning about computer science and robotics from the ESE side – amazing!

Sharing what we have learned with students and teachers, at our home school and other schools in our district.

So thankful for this opportunity.

Being a part of this amazing cohort has helped me to better understand how I can take ownership for my students’ learning and how to teach them in ways that connect with them.


Development supported by the National Science Foundation and Google’s Education for Social Impact Program.

National Science Foundation (NSF) logo
Google logo
Infosys Foundation USA