Intro to K-12 CS Education Microcredential
Registration is open until December 15, 2024!
This microcredential will introduce you to the basic concepts of analysis, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms. You will experience how these concepts can be applied to any discipline and any grade level. Through creative assignments like the CS Autobiography you will be encouraged to reflect on your own experiences and views to help guide your further study.
Dip your toes into coding by creating a simple program in a block-based beginner’s environment of your choice. Learn about programming as well as debugging (fixing programs) without a computer through “unplugged” lessons. Explore lesson plans and resources to prepare you to bring Computer Science (CS) and Computational Thinking (CT) to your future or current classroom.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need to have computer science background?
No. This is for anyone curious about bringing CS into their K-12 classrooms.
Is there a fee associated with the microcredential?
Yes, the microcredential costs $45.
How much time does the microcredential take?
It will require about 20 hours of self-paced work.
Is this program for a specific grade level?
No. This microcredential is open to all preservice and in-service teachers who will be teaching elementary, middle or high school. There will be differentiation for activities to make it relevant to all grade levels.
What are the requirements to sign up?
This course is designed for both preservice and in-service K-12 teachers.
Will I receive University of Florida credits for this microcredential?
No. This microcredential is not a credit-accruing program. You will receive a University of Florida Credly badge and a certificate of completion to add to your resume, portfolio, and email signature.
When will the course take place, and how long do I have to complete it?
The course opens on December 2, 2024. Registration closes on December 15, 2024. You can participate at your own pace through mid-January 2025.